Archive for the ‘mentaliti melayu’ Tag


Wednesday, January 12th, 2011

yay ! ( wow this is a very fancy spelling for yes nowadays. very lively and full of life. sorry i was trying to get fancy but i literally mean the normal yes, nothing exciting about this entry that you should know this isnt a very nice post to read, ever lol)

i actually am not kind of guy who complains much about surrounding. i must admit sumtime i get this funny little emotions that quite a few time i posted stupid things on facebook in the past. i mean i might have used f-word in my status or whatsoever to show how bad i was, how hard had i gone through, but really, those were bullshits. i am actually quite a nice guy who is looking for betterment in every single day. i am like a normal regular joe, i love to be loved, and likewise i love people around me. Phew! done with GVOK 101. hopefully i managed to convince you that i am not really into complaining stuffs, tapi kalau kadang-kadang tu kira halal la kan lol


recently i watched 2 malay movies named Hantu Mak Limah Balik Rumah (abbr HMLBR)  and Ngangkong. both were from different channels. HMLBR i watched in cinema and Ngangkung i downloaded it from pirated source (yeah piracy is nasty, but ‘for free’ is irresistible, sorry i forget to be a nice guy when it comes to this tehehe). To be honest, i am not a big fan of malay movies, but bombarding positive reviews they got and wide coverage publicity about these movies has shifted my principle slightly . and to be save, emotionally, i didnt expect much when i was watching these two movies, like what i always set in mind, dealing with malay products. At this point i must reveal that there is no twist from my previous statement or new perspective built about malay movies, since waiting the movies to reach the last second was really a nightmare to me. again, after only-God-knows how many time, i felt disappointed and   i cursed myself for falling into this trap again. there were nothing to proud of from HMLBR and Nangkong except lawak bodo yg sangat typical dan spastic yg selalu ditinggimartabatkan oleh penggiat2 seni tanah air. the storyline was not really dynamic, the jokes were cheap, except a few yg boleh dikira agak epic success, and has no diversity. bosan-bosan-bosan. i cant believe i even paid for the seat, and waited macam orang gila to finish downloading. bukan nak kutuk, tapi hakikat tetap hakikat. mungking agak kasar aku nak kutuk product melayu, sebab aku sendiri pun melayu, makan belacan. tapi let’s put it this way; aku as a customer. sure aku melenting. (except download cerita pirate tu beside the point la hehe). part paling sadis bila ramai plak orang melayu duk overrating dua movies ney, sorry lor adik abang ibu2 bapak2, aku rasa lawak derang (pengarah filem) tak da stendet langsung, cerita takdak value yg betul2 tersemat. bukan orang awam jer yg memuji, kengkawan aku yg dok overseas pun layan. haram jadah betoi. tapi aku tak tekejut langsung  kat certain mmber2 aku yg enjoy filem ney  because from experience, they are those people who have really bad taste. lantak lar korang !!

Maybe it is just me who felt that way. But if we look the scenario as a big picture, seriously malay movie industry has no future. Please be informed i am speaking out as concerned customer, maka it is quite personal and agak kasar lol. dont get your ass heated up, okay. hidup ini masih indah. and back to my bad review bout industri perfileman negara, my concern (or keprihatinan lol) has grown beyond anything when i realized that the malays’ mentality are still rooting at the same old point. Tengok lar kat wayang2 around jitra ni, cerita melayu ni berkisar pada 3 tema ja; lawak, hantu, cinta. kita x payah pergi jauh kat amerika, tengok korea sudah la, or thailand maybe, even indonesia. walaupun kengkadang derang sendiri tak ley lari dari stereotype masing-masing (korea=cinta, thai= bunuh, indo=kurafat), but still masih ada gak film derang yg really2 impressive. kalau tak percaya tengok lar cerita madeo aka mother (korea) sebagai panduan. A+ bhai ! aku takda lar cakap film malaysia ni zero, it’s just that kalu rasa2 tak menyubang kepada peningkatan metaliti melayu ke tahap yg lebey tinggi, x yah wat filem lar. kesian kat budak-budak ja, nak berak pun suruh nenek teman pi tandas, bila neneknya nak ke tandas, cucunya plak teman. punya la hidup ney dah sinonim ngan banyangan2 hantu, sungguh sadis ! dunia dah maju, tapi asal gak derang nak wat cerita hantu ?! bosan doe..

harapan aku, agar filem2 melayu berjaya mencuri hati aku balik, and never let it go, again lol. bajet